Monday, February 3, 2014

CRAPP Results
Currency: has been in operation since 1997. All of the links on this site are functional.

Relevance: The topics have sufficient information and depth about the topics. The information seems to be relevant to whatever topic. It is written in a way that is understandable to a wide realm of readers.

Authority: The name of the president and vise president are written in the about section of the website. Their certifications and credentials are stated in a manner that the reader knows who the researchers are. There is a link to contact them, but it was a bit difficult to find. A donation page is also available if you would like to donate funds to the site.

Accuracy: The information is accurate and sources are stated. It is even told whether the source is secondary or primary.

Purpose: The purpose of this site is to inform readers about current events. They research on current events and recent news.
Currency: The last copyright date on this website is 2014. All the links seem functional and on point with the topics. I wasn’t really able to find the date they have been in operation since, but I think it might be 2010.

Relevance: The articles fit in what the topic that is being researched. There is information that is both necessary and sufficient for each of the topics, and it is presented in a manner that is easily understood.

Authority: The directors of this website are both journalists who have covered politics for a good amount of time. There is also director Kathleen Jamieson, who has is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. The info to contact these people is easily accessible in the contact us section of the website.

Accuracy: The majority of the information on this site is authentic and accurate. The site has received several awards throughout the years. The site appearance and language are both of professional standards.

Purpose: The purpose of this website is to increase knowledge of politics to U.S. voters. Using both journalism and scholarship, they try to increase the public’s knowledge and understanding.